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  • Expert ID : 2649
  • Dr Rajesh Deolia

  • Principal Scientist
  • Civil Engineering
  • Structure Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 2754
  • Dr Shantanu Sarkar

  • Principal Scientist
  • Geological Engineering
  • Engineering Geology
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 2803
  • Dr P C Thapliyal

  • Chief Scientist
  • Civil Engineering
  • Building Materials, Paints, Coatings, Nanotechnology
  • Organic Building Materials
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 2830
  • Dr Harpal Singh

  • Principal Scientist
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Fire retardant materials
  • Fire Engineering
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 2863
  • Dr Sujit Kumar Saran

  • Principal Scientist
  • Geological Engineering
  • Geotechnical engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 2996
  • Dr D P Kanungo

  • Principal Scientist
  • Geological Engineering
  • Engineering geology; GIS and remote sensing
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 3059
  • Mr Ashok Kumar

  • Principal Scientist
  • Architecture
  • Architecture
  • Architecture and Planning
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 3065
  • Dr Rajesh Kumar Verma

  • Scientist
  • Organic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Environmental Science and Technology
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 3123
  • Dr B S Rawat

  • Principal Scientist
  • Entomology
  • Entomology
  • Environmental Science and Technology
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 3134
  • Dr Rajni Lakhani

  • Principal Scientist
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Organic Building Materials
  • Uttar Pradesh
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  • Expert ID : 15037
  • Dr Atul Kumar Agarwal

  • Principal Scientist
  • Business, Finance
  • Management of Science
  • Uttarakhand
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  • Expert ID : 59314
  • Dr Sukhdeo Rao Karade

  • Chief Scientist
  • Construction and Building Technology
  • Building Materials, Health Assessment and Repair of Concrete Structures; Corrosion and Its Control
  • Advanced Structural Composites and Durability
  • Uttarakhand
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  • Expert ID : 217807
  • Dr Ajay Chourasia

  • Senior Principal Scientist
  • Civil Engineering
  • Earthquake Resistant Design,Construction, Repair and Retrofitting
  • 3-D Concrete, Printing
  • Uttarakhand
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  • Expert ID : 217808
  • Dr Soraj Kuma Panigrahi

  • Senior Principal Scientist
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Machine Design and Structural Health Monitoring
  • Acoustic Instrumentation and Mechanical Systems
  • Uttarakhand
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  • Expert ID : 217809
  • Mr Soju Joseph Alexander

  • Senior Scientist
  • Instruments and Instrumentation
  • Instrumentation
  • Acoustic Instrumentation and Mechanical Systems
  • Uttarakhand
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